One goal of the ubiquitous "black and white" squad car is visibility. Their presence in a community is a constant reminder that the police are patrolling the streets and are in the community.
The Eastern region of the Ontario Provincial Police operates 370 road vehicles. In 2006, a minimum of 43% of the patrol and obligated duty hours worked involved traffic and patrol activities. The OPP website breaks down the Patrol and Obligated Duty Hours worked in 2006 as: 28% Patrol, 15% Traffic, 26% Criminal Code, and 31% other.
The City of Kingston has 20 marked police cruisers with 110 personnel working 24/7.
The Ottawa Police Services operates 560 police vehicles some log as much as 100,000 km per year.
That adds up to a lot of time spent in the vehicles, behind the wheel and in the passenger seat.
It also adds up to a lot of activity in the back seat. As detainees are held and/or transported, they may sneeze, vomit, bleed, spit, urinate and defecate in their new environment.
With the amount of time the front seat personnel log in the vehicles and the high likelihood of the detainee carrying contagious diseases (not to mention the unpleasant odours), it is important that a safe, effective disinfection plan be implemented to prevent problems for officers, police staff cleaners, and detainees.
Once they arrive at their destination, the same potential problems arise with blood borne pathogens or other viruses being introduced to the holding areas and cells. CODE 4 CLEANERS can develop a plan for your needs based on a regularly scheduled service or as-needed disinfection treatments
The Eastern region of the Ontario Provincial Police operates 370 road vehicles. In 2006, a minimum of 43% of the patrol and obligated duty hours worked involved traffic and patrol activities. The OPP website breaks down the Patrol and Obligated Duty Hours worked in 2006 as: 28% Patrol, 15% Traffic, 26% Criminal Code, and 31% other.
The City of Kingston has 20 marked police cruisers with 110 personnel working 24/7.
The Ottawa Police Services operates 560 police vehicles some log as much as 100,000 km per year.
That adds up to a lot of time spent in the vehicles, behind the wheel and in the passenger seat.
It also adds up to a lot of activity in the back seat. As detainees are held and/or transported, they may sneeze, vomit, bleed, spit, urinate and defecate in their new environment.
With the amount of time the front seat personnel log in the vehicles and the high likelihood of the detainee carrying contagious diseases (not to mention the unpleasant odours), it is important that a safe, effective disinfection plan be implemented to prevent problems for officers, police staff cleaners, and detainees.
Once they arrive at their destination, the same potential problems arise with blood borne pathogens or other viruses being introduced to the holding areas and cells. CODE 4 CLEANERS can develop a plan for your needs based on a regularly scheduled service or as-needed disinfection treatments